Posts By: Aaron Cox

Understanding the Right to “Repair and Deduct”

mechanic repairing gas boiler with a wrench

As a landlord, it is your job to ensure that your property and individual apartments are safe to live in and up to code. However, sometimes essential components such as heat or electricity break no matter what you’ve done. It’s your responsibility to repair those items, but sometimes the tenant may take it upon themselves… Read more »

How Much Should You Charge for Rent?

Real estate, keychain with house symbol. Calculator with finance blank.

Currently, many landlords are feeling the impacts of inflation. Energy costs and property costs are rising, and this is forcing landlords to increase the price of rent. Nationally, rental costs have risen 11.3 percent over the past year, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping there. As a landlord, then, you have to decide how… Read more »

How to Deal with Late Rent Payments

calendar with pay rent written on date

As a landlord, you likely have many tenants who pay their rent on time each month. However, you may be faced with a tenant who is late on their payments. Whether it is once or repeated, it can be an upsetting and inconvenient situation. Below are steps you can take to ensure you can receive… Read more »

When Do You Need Quiet Title Actions?

Stack of documents on table and blurred workers in office

A quiet title action is a lawsuit where one party wants to establish ownership over the claims of another. The “quiet” part of the name comes from the fact that once your ownership is determined in a ruling, you are effectively “quieting” any other parties from trying to claim or challenge your title. So, when… Read more »

What to Expect When Your Tenant Files for Bankruptcy


Sometimes, life doesn’t pan out the way you expect it to. You may find yourself in the awkward position of having a tenant who is filing for bankruptcy. But how does this affect you? Read on to learn more: The automatic stay The first thing to understand about bankruptcy in landlord-tenant relationships is that the… Read more »

Does Your Property Offer Reliable Income?

apartment building

When in the market for income property, there are many points to consider before signing a purchase agreement and committing to a years-long mortgage. But there is one item to always remember: you want an income property to function as a steady source of income. But how can you ensure that your property is offering… Read more »

How to Handle Pets on Your Rental Property

Owning and renting out property can be a tricky business. Most of the time, renters take pretty good care of the spaces they inhabit – and if they don’t, that’s what security deposits are for. But what if the tenant has a pet that causes significant property damage beyond what’s covered by the security deposit… Read more »

How Landlords Should Deal with Troublesome Neighbors

Whether your nearest neighbor is a mile away or just a few feet, living in the same general area as other people can sometimes cause problems. While most people are considerate neighbors, too often others are not that can lead to fights, arguments and other incidents that could have been avoided – or at least… Read more »

The Benefits of Accepting Section 8 Tenants

multistory apartment building

The Housing Act of 1937 was a product of the National Housing Act of 1934, part of the legislation to help Americans rebuild from the Great Depression. In addition to creating a central national housing authority, it gives those on welfare more options when it comes to living situations. Those receiving federal housing assistance can… Read more »

How to Increase Rent for Your Property

Increasing the rent for your property can be a difficult process. Tenants may resist the increase, and you need to time it right so that you are not in violation of any state or federal laws. Below, we discuss the best practices when it comes to raising your rent so that you avoid as many… Read more »